The Prophet had nine swords: he inherited Ma’thur from his father, and it was the first sword he ever owned. He also possessed al-’Idb and Dhu al-Fiqar, which never left his sight. Dhu al-Fiqar had a hilt, circular guard, tuft, buckles, and a base made of silver. He also had al-Qal’i, al-Battar, al-Hatf, ar-Rawb, al-Mikhdam, and al-Qadib, which had a base made of silver and silver circular hand guards. The Prophet acquired Dhu al-Fiqar during the battle of Badr, and saw a dream about it; when he entered Makkah during its conquering, his sword was beautified with gold and silver.

The Prophet had seven pieces of armor: Dhat al-Fudul, which he later pawned with Abu ash-Shahm – a Jew – in return for some thirty sa’ (weights pertaining to food) of barley for his family. The debt was for a year. Dhat al-Fudul was made of iron. The Prophet also had Dhat al-Wishah, Dhat al-Hawashi, as-Sa’diyyah, Fiddah, al-Batra’, and al-Khirniq.

The Prophet owned six bows: az-Zawra’, ar-Rauha’, as-Safra’, al-Bayda’, al-Katum – which was broke during the battle of Uhud, and was taken by Qatadah bin an-Nu’man – and as-Saddad.

The Prophet had a quiver called al-Kafur, and a strap for it made from tanned skin, as well as three silver circular rings, a buckle, and an edge made of silver. We should mention that Ibn Taymiyyah said that there are no authentic narrations that the Prophet ever wore a strap around his waist.

The Prophet had several shields: az-Zalluq, and a shield called al-Futaq. al-Futaq was given to him as a gift, and had a picture of a statue on it. So, he placed his hand on the image of the statue, and Allah made the image fade away.

The Prophet owned five spears: al-Muthwi, al-Muthni, a lance called an-Nab’ah, a bigger lance called al-Bayda’, and a short lance, like a staff, called ‘Anazah, which he held while attending the ‘Id festivals, and used to place in front of him when he led the prayer, using it as a sutrah. Sometimes, the Prophet walked while holding the ‘Anazah.

The Prophet had a helmet
made of iron called al-Muwashah – which was adorned with copper – and another helmet, called as-Sabugh, or Dhu as-Sabugh.

The Prophet had three long shirts (jubbas) that he wore during battle. One of them was said to be made of fine green silk brocade (sundus). It is well known that ‘Urwah bin az-Zubayr had an outer garment made of silk brocade (dibaj) with embroidery made of fine green silk, and used to wear it during war. In one of the narrations from Ahmad, he said that it is allowed to wear silk during war.

The Prophet had a black banner or flag, called al-’Uqab. Abu Dawud collected a hadith in his ‘Sunan’ from one of the Companions who said: “I saw the Prophet’s banner, it was yellow.” [*] The Prophet also had white banners that were sometimes mixed with black.

The Prophet had a pavilion called al-Kann, and a crook that was one cubit’s length long, that he would carry while walking or riding.

The Prophet also had a baton
called al-’Arjun, and a staff called al-Mamshuq. It is said that this is the same staff that the khulafa’ succeeding the Prophet used to hold in their hands.”

[‘Zad al-Ma’ad’; 1/50]